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What is Radon ?


Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas that can enter your home thru cracks and voids,  You can not see, smell or taste Radon , but it may be a problem in your home.  The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the united states.


The US EPA has esstablished the "action level" for deciding when you need to 'do something' about the radon in your home, school or workplace is 4.0 pCi/l


High Levels of Radon can put your family at RISK

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Estimates that RADON kills as many as 30,000 people each year. Nearly 1 in 15 homes is estimated to have elevated levels of Radon.  Radon Gas is the #1 cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers.



How does radon enter your home ?

1) Cracks in concrete slab


2) Spaces beind brick veneer walls that rest on uncapped hollow-block foundation


3) Pores and cracks in concrete blocks


4) Floor / wall joints 


5) Exposed soil, as in sump crocks or crawl space


6) Weeping drain Tile, if drained into an open sump


7) Mortar Joints


8) Loose Fitting pipe penitrations


9) Open tops of block walls


10) Building materials, such as brick, concrete and rock


11)  Well Water

Testing Methods 

1) Active Charcole Adsoption: Cost $125.00

(Runs for 48 hours: resultsin 3 days)

2) Continuous Radon Monitoring: cost 275 +tax

(Runs for 48 hours : Instant results)

How do you get rid of Radon ?

Mitigation Systems Average cost 


Interior Mitigation System:  $1500 to $1800


Exterior Mitigation systems: $1000 to $1500



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